Thursday, February 17, 2011

SurYa KiRaN,,anyOne???

Kalau aku sebut Red Arrows dengan Thunderbirds,,mesti ade di antara korang pernah dengar kan??tapi kalau aku sebut Surya Kiran,korang rase korang tau tak,,haha,,sebab tu la arini aku nak share dengan korang pasal Surya Kiran ni,,lagi satu sebab aku rase negara kita ni macam berkemampuan je jadi macam diorang,,(mesti korang tak sabar nak tahu kan,,huhu),,aku pon sebenarnye baru tahu tentang kewujudan Surya Kiran ni time pergi kelas English kat tempat aku study ni,,jadi aku nak la ambik kesempatan ni untuk cerita sikit yang aku tau kat korang pasal Surya Kiran ni,,
boleh tak korang bayang yang korang tengah bawak fighter ne
lalu atas KLCC??mesti bangga kan,,

siap dianggap wira lagi tu,,respect la,,


 Surya Kiran ni sebenarnye sebuah pasukan demonstrasi akrobatik tentera udara India,,dalam bahasa sanskrit,Surya Kiran ni bermaksud sinaran matahari,,pasukan ni mula ditubuhkan pada tahun 1996 dan di anggap sebagai duta tentera udara India,,daripada information yang aku dapat dari handout yang instructor aku bagi,,rupe2 nye Surya Kiran ni dah banyak buat persembahan kat bermacam-macam negara(aku je yang tak tahu,,haha),,walaupun Surya Kiran ni nampak tak gempak kalau dibandingkan dengan Red Arrows dan Thunderbirds(kalau ikut logik memang la tak gempak kan kalau banding sebab pasukan diorang mula2 tubuh pun tahun 1996,,muda lagi la,,huhu),,tapi boleh di katakan sebagai satu kebanggaan la bagi negara India ni,,walaupun tak semaju UK(United Kingdom) dengan US(United States),,tapi mereka boleh tunjukkan yang mereka boleh dan mampu buat pasukan demonstrasi akrobatik mereka sendiri (aku pon terkejut bila tau yang Surya Kiran ni tergolong group yang ade nama di dunia ni),,negara kita sendiri pon tak ade pasukan  demonstrasi akrobatik  yang macam diorang ni kan,,huhu
 HJT-16 Kiran Mk.2(kiri),British Aerospace BAE Hawk T1A(tengah),F-16(kanan),,
yang mane korang rase paling tak canggih??huhu 

    Ni aku nak bagitau pulak kat korang pasal pesawat yang diorang guna untuk buat persembahan diorang ni,,kalau korang nak tau Surya Kiran ni menggunakan pesawat HJT-16 Kiran Mk.2,,dan pesawat ni digunakan sebagai pesawat latihan tentera,,mungkin kat negara kita ni macam pilatus tu kot (tapi aku tak tau la,,main sebat je nama pilatus tu,,hehe),,kalau thunderbirds pulak diorang pakai pesawat F-16,,pastu red arrows,diorang pakai pesawat  British Aerospace BAE Hawk T1A(pesawat ni la nanti Surya Kiran nak gune,,reason diorang nak upgrade gune BAE Hawk sebab kekurangan pesawat latihan ),,jadi dari sini kita dapat tau la yang diorang tak mudah putus asa walaupun ade dugaan,,huhu,,betul tak??

  Sekarang aku nak bagitau pulak kalau korang berminat nak jadi pilot Surya Kiran ni,,korang mesti ingat kata2 ni,,huhu(ni aku nak selitkan English sikit,,baru la nampak yang information ni daripada kelas English aku tu,,hehe,,lagipun korang mesti lagi pandai English dari aku ni,,sebab aku ni belajar tak pandai mane pon,,haha) :

1."To be a Suryakiran pilot you need to have the courage of a bull fighter, the steady nerves of a surgeon and the spirit of a braveheart",,

2."Most of us are in the team because we love the thrill and the sheer adventure it offers",,

3."Knowledge of the aircraft, maturity to take the right decision and discipline are the three basic traits required",,

4."Alertness and precision required for conducting an aerobatic display, requires continuous practice"

haha,,korang ade tak ciri2 ni,,kalau ade boleh la ambik borang jadi pilot Surya Kiran ne,,huhu,,

   Jadi ni je la yang aku nak share kat korang,,sekian,,huhu

Sunday, February 13, 2011

PlatiNUm or choColate Chip yAnG maNe Satu koranG pilih??

Sekarang ni aku ade satu hajat yang boleh dikatakan sebagai environmental friendly la,,dah lama aku simpan hajat ni,,cume tunggu mase nak makbulkan jep,,hahaha,,aku sebenarnye nak bela pet,,aku yakin korang mesti dah familiar dengan haiwan ne,,HEDGEHOG,,aku rase nak buat haiwan ne jadi pet time first2 lagi tengok hedgehog ni,,

    Bagi aku hedgehog ni haiwan seekor haiwan yang cute dan pelik,,sebab rupe haiwan ni seakan-akan landak campur dengan hamster,,mesti korang kat luar sane ada yang bela hedgehog kan,,tapi mesti korang tak tahu tentang asal usul hedgehog ni kan,,daripada yang aku tahu,hedgehog ni merupakan mamalia kecil yang memakan serangga dan mereka boleh didapati di seluruh dunia,,mereka berasal dari eropah,afrika dan asia,,tapi yang korang semua bela sekarang ni adalah hedgehog pygmy dari afrika utara,,kalau ade korang yang kat luar sane yang nak bela hedgehog ni,,korang kena lah letakkan pet korang tu dalam suhu bilik,,nanti kalau suhu tak betul sakit pulak hedgehog tu,,lagi satu mesti korang tak tau kan yang hedgehog ni pun ade persatuan hedgehog antarabangsa(International Hedgehog Association, IHA)..persatuan ni biasanye menerangkan tentang standard cara penjagaan hedgehog,,

chocolate chip(kiri) atau platinum(kanan),,yang mana korang pilih??
   Ni aku nak share lak dengan korang tentang warna2 hedgehog,,yang aku tahu,hedgehog ni ade 92 warna(tapi yang aku nak cari tu warna chocolate chip ataupun platinum,,aku masih berbelah bahagi ni,,tolong aku,,huhu) dan mereka ni dibahagikan kepada 2 kumpulan besar:1.White-Bellied (Atelerix albiventris),dan 2.kumpulan berwarna Algerian (Atelerix algirus),,terdapat jugak 2 kumpulan kecil:1.bercorak Pinto dan 2.Albino,,tapi yang aku share kat korang tak la semua jenis(lenguh la nak taip banyak2,,lol),,

  Bagi kumpulan white-bellied,,ade 36 jenis yang akan aku story kat korang(banyak jugak ni,letih la aku taip,,hoho) :

kan aku da cakap hedgehog ni sejenis pet
yang cute,,hoho
15.CHARCOAL(Grey Snowflake)
16.CHOCOLATE CHIP(Chocolate Snowflake)
31.WHITE(Cinnamon White)

   Bagi kumpulan Albino pulak,,ade 1 je,,:

1.ALBINO(yang ni special sikit,,semua tempat warna putih except mata dia je yang warna merah)

   Bagi yang bercorak pinto pulak,,ade 1 jugak:

1.PINTO(pinto ni sebenarnye corak yang mungkin muncul kat mane2 jenis hedgehog)

  Bagi kumpulan berwarna Algerian,,ade 31 jenis yang aku nak bagitau ni:

camne la jadinye bile korang dah baek sangat dengan
hedgehog korang tu,,haha

   Kalau korang berhajat nak beli hedgehog jugak(macam aku ni),,biar aku share sikit kat korang ape2 yang penting mase korang nak beli hedgehog ni(information ni aku dapat tau dari tokey kedai pet,,sebab,aku mane ade bela hedgehog lagi,,haha):

1.mula2 korang tengok mata hedgehog yang korang nak beli tu cantik ke tak,,terbuka luas ke tak(maksudnye               takde la tertutup sebelah ke hedgehog tu,,huhu)

2.pahtu korang tengok hidung hedgehog tu bersih ke tak,,

3.korang pun tengok telinga hedgehog tu,,ok ke tak,,sebab biasenye ade jugak hedgehog telinga dia koyak            sebab member2 dia gigit,,haha

4.bulu dia pun perlu ditengok,takut2 ade bulu yang takde ke(orang terengganu cakap sepeng,,haha),,

5.kat buntut hedgehog tu korang kene tengok gak,,takut dia ade cirit birit,,

6.kalau korang nak hedgehog korang sihat,,jangan la pilih yang terlalu gemuk,,obesiti(kalau aku,aku nak yang gemuk sebab cute,,haha),,

7.pastu korang cuba letak hedgehog tu kat tempat yang rata,,tengok macam mane dia jalan(kalau nampak jalan macam tak sihat tu tak payah beli la,,membazir jep,,huhu)

8.korang pun kene tengok jugak macam mane dia bernafas,,ok ke tak(tapi jangan korang bertukar pulak cara dia bernafas dengan cara dia bercakap)

9.umur hedgehog juga penting kalau korang nak beli,,korang kene pilih hedgehog yang berumur 6 minggu ke              atas,,tapi jangan terlalu tua sebab semakin muda hedgehog 2,semakin mudah dia rapat dengan korang(tapi korang kene la jaga dia betul2,,kalau korang jaga macam nak tak nak je,,dia pun tak nak layan korang,,hoho)
hedgehog yang mempunyai masalah fizikal mahupun mental~~~

   Ok,bila korang da beli hedgehog tu,,masa mula2 letak hedgehog tu dalam sangkar,,biarkan dia dapat privasi dulu dalam satu hari,,tapi kalau korang geram sangat nak pegang,,pegang je la kejap dalam masa 5minit ke,pastu letak la balik,,ni korang kena betul2 ingat,kalau korang beli hedgehog yang masih baby,,dia kene dapat tido yang cukup dalam masa sebulan(jadi korang jangan la risau sangat kalau nampak dia tidur je memanjang,,hoho),,korang kena ingat jugak yang jangan letakkan mereka dekat kawasan terang,,sebab diorang hanya akan rase selesa dekat suhu 21-27 C(senang cakap suhu bilik la,,korang ingat macam ni je dalam kepala korang tu,,kalau korang rase selesa tak pakai sweater dalam sejuk,,diorang pun selesa la,,hoho),,kalo korang nak bagi dia makan,,bagi je hedgehog korang makan frieskis tu,,korang kena ingat,,korang kena bagi jugak dia makan sayur,daging @ ikan,,tapi makanan berat ni tak boleh lebih daripada 3-4kali seminggu,,

hedgehog bukan untuk
Ni je yang dapat aku share kat korang,,letih dah nak menaip,,kalau ikut hati aku banyak lagi ni,,hahaha,,Sekian =]

Friday, February 11, 2011

ChocoMint Vs PeTerpAn D' AMpanG LooKOut PoiNT,,

Ne aku ambik kesempatan ni sebab nak cerita kat korang pasal Ampang Lookout Point,,semalam aku dengan membe2 aku ( naqib,zuro ngan fahmi) telah pergi ke sane secara tak sengaja,,mula2 tu ingat kan nak cari tempat2 makan yang murah je,,biase la,orang bujang,,haha(dapat elaun pun tak cukup,,beli ape tak tau),,mula2 tu best sangat la sembang pasal jalan2 ni,,pastu ade la yang bukak mulut ajak g kat ampang lookout point 2,,aku layan je,,bajet main2,,aleh2 nak pegi betul2,,tapi takpe la,,orang kate ambik experience(mase mude2 ne la kan nak buat,,bile da tua tak larat dah kn,,huhu).
Tu pening naqib dengan zuro cari jalan,,last2 baru jumpe,,huhu

Mula2 tu aku ingat ade la diantara 3 org membe aku ne tau jalan ke sane,,rupe2 nye takde sorang pun yang tau,,jadi ape lagi,kitorang pun main sebat je la(try and error orang kate,,huhu),,teringat pulak macam gi broga hill dulu,,tak tahu jalan punye pasal,,sesat la jawabnye(kuat makan buah langsat org cakap),,tapi pergi ampang ni ok sikit,,tak la sesat teruk sangat,,sebabnye,kitorang ade tanye sorang brader yang jual burger kat ampang tu (thanks bro,,hoho),,
Aku dan si apek mate tengah tengok2 menu,,

Ne la ice blended Peterpan,,berselera btol diorang tu,,lol
Ok2,tadi aku cerita pasal pengalaman nak pergi ke sane,,ni pulak aku nak bagitau bile da sampai,,lega la rasenye,,akhirnye dapat keluar hirup udara segar lepas sejam duduk dalam kereta tu,,aku pun naek la tangga kt lookout point tu,,mula tu aku ingat lookout point ni sama macam tempat2 rekreasi kat taman2 tu,,boleh tengok permandangan KL dari sane,,rupa2 nyer tempat ni macam tempat makan yang boleh kate grand la jugak,,nampak la mahal tu,,tapi takpe la,,skali skale,kena test jugak,,lagipun jauh da perjalanan dari Kelana Jaya-Ampang,,kalau balik rugi la,,jadi kitorang pun minum la kat Gasoline lookout point tu,,best jugak layan ice blended Peterpan(choc+kiwi=yummy) dengan ice blended ChocoMint kt situ(nape tak syok nyer minum ice blended tu,,harga pun rm7.90,,haha),,lepas 45 minit lepak kat gasoline tu,,kitorang pun bergerak la pulang,,sebab tak makan malam lagi,,lapo2(nak makan kat situ mahal,,lol),,jadi nak tak nak,,kene la makan kat rumah,,hahaha(berlaku la pembaziran tenage kat situ,,haha,,

      Kesimpulannye,lain kali elakkan pembaziran,,tuhan marah,,huhu) =]

Thursday, February 10, 2011

LaTte MacChiato n` AmaRetTo coLLectionku,,

Tibe2 pulak terdetik hati aku nak cite pasal mende ne,,tapi aku rase korang semua mesti da familiar dengan mende ni,,namenye kopi nescafe(mesti korang rase biase aje kan),,tapi nescafe ni merupakan nescafe yang lain dari yang laen,,sebab special nyer,mak sedare aku yang balik dari groningen yang bagi(sebenarnye aku yang mntak),,hahaha

brand yang diminati sepanjang zaman,,
selepas itu la baru aku tau yang nescafe ni ade banyak jenis yang aku sendiri pun tak tahu,,hah,lagi satu,,aku rase korang pon tak tau kan yang nescafe ne berasal dari switzerland,,nescafe ni merupakan produk nestle dan ia diperkenalkan pada 1 april 1938 setelah dibangunkan selame 7 tahun oleh Max Morgenthaler dan Vernon Chapman,,aku pon tak pasti la yang korang sume penah dengar and tengok tak jenis-jenis nescafe ni(sebab aku pon tak pernah tengok semua,,haha):
ne la kopi yang mak sedare aku bagi tu,,,

Nescafé Original
Nescafé Classic
Nescafé Classico
Nescafé Gold Blend, (di Sweden dipanggil 'Lyx')
Nescafé Gold Blend Decaf, (di Sweden dipanggil 'Lyx')
Nescafé Gold Blend Half Caff
Nescafé Black Gold
Nescafe Blend 43
Nescafé Blend 37
Nescafé Decaff
Nescafé Half Caff
Nescafé Fine Blend
Nescafé Partners Blend (Fairtrade)
Café Parisien (The Paris experience)
Nescafé Suraya
Nescafé Alta Rica
Nescafé Alta Rica Decaff
Nescafé Cap Colombie
Nescafé Espresso
Nescafé Red Cup (hanye di beberape negara eropah)
Nescafé Green Blend (dengan lebih antioksida, hanye di Sweden)
Nescafé Cappuccino
Nescafé Cappuccino Unsweetened
Nescafé Cappuccino Skinny
Nescafé Cappuccino Decaffeinated
Nescafé Cappuccino Unsweetened
Nescafé Decaffeinated
Nescafé Latte Macchiato
Nescafé Latte
Nescafé Latte Skinny
Nescafé Ice Java Coffee Syrup
Nescafé Excella

ni la  Max Morgenthaler dan Vernon Chapman

   tapi aku tak la ade semua ni,,yang ni aku tengok dekat wikipedia aje,,yang mak sedare aku bagi kat aku tu cuma Nescafé Amaretto,Nescafé Latte Macchiato,Nescafé Caramel,Nescafé Cappucino,,yang aku pelik ade jugak kopi aku ni jenis ye tak ade dalam list,,kirenyer macam ade barang rare pulak kn,,haha(bajet plak aku,,entah2 korang semua pon ade kopi yang aku anggap rare ne kan,,huhu),,bukan nyer ape,,aku cume nak share jep,,hahaha,,sekian

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

mUkA bAru,,,,,


hArI ini Baru AKu sedAr baLik yang aku dAh ade Blog,,aku pown tak ingat mane la macam mane yang aku boleh ade blog ni,,tapi yang aku tau time form 4 dulu,,ade geng aku yang ajak aku buat blog,,kate nyer boleh buat duit(gune google adsense),,tapi haremm pown takde,,yang ade telur ayam aje,,hahaha
kalau dapat yang ni okay gak,,kaye la aku,,

Pastu,,sekarang ni,,kawan2 aku banyak pulak berblogging,,aku yang tak minat ne,,tengok2 aje la,,hahaha,,tiba2 tergerak la hati aku nk bukak blog ni,,alih2 aku tengok aku dah ade blog rupenyer,,and yang suprise nyer first entry aku tahun 2007 pulak 2,,dah la pasal hometown aku,,malu pulak rase,,ade blog tapi tak hidup langsung,agaknye kalau bersawang tu da berape abad dah(mcm kat penjuru2 siling dekat rumah Ara tu),,hahaha
lebih kurang camni kot.. lol

Kesimpulannyer lepas aku ade blog ni,,boleh la aku join member2 aku jadi blogger jugak(bajet kn aku ni,,,hahaha),,setakat ini dulu lah yang aku nak share ngan korang,,harap2 pasni ramai yang lawat blog aku ni,,yang tak beberape grand ni,,(humble kn,,haha,,member2 jangan la suke2 pulak,,aku cepuk kan).


Friday, September 7, 2007

Fascinating Terengganu

Terengganu is located at the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. To the north there lies the Kelantan state, then neigbouring with Pahang at the south.
History of Terengganu began long before the establishment of Melaka sultanate. The archaeological evidences found in Bewah Cave in Kenyir Lake proven that this state has already been resided since 4,000 B.C. However, the Sultanate of Terengganu began only in 1724 with Sultan Zainal Abidin as the first sultan for this state.
During the early sultanate period, although Siam claimed that Terengganu was part of its dominion resulted from the Bunga Emas and Bunga Perak sent by the latter in every 3 years, it was said that the gift was actually a present of courtesy and token of friendship but not tributes as to prevent the interference of British in the state’s administration. Siam handed over Terengganu to British in 1909 after signing the Bangkok Agreement but this was rejected by Terengganu.
British in 1909 after signing the Bangkok Agreement but this was rejected by Terengganu.
Another agreement was then signed between Terengganu and British in 1910 and thereafter Terengganu officially recognized the appointment of a British Representative with the condition the British agent was not empowered to interfere in the administration of the state. The British who was not satisfy with their status continued to look for ways to get involve in the internal affairs of the state.
In 1919, their attempt finally succeeded. Another agreement was signed between British and Sultan Muhammad. Terengganu officially accepted a British advisor, seek and follow his counsels in all administrative matters except religion issues.
Nevertheless, the involvement of British had brought to resistance from the people. The patriotic awareness had spread among the state and led to the establishment of Association of Young Malays (Kesatuan Melayu Muda, KMM) in 1937. A series of campaigns was held by KMM during 1940-1941. In 1942 when the Japanese took the control of Peninsular Malaysia, KMM was dissolved and Terengganu was under the administration of Japanese Army until 1943 when the governance authority was transferred to the Thai Army.
Thai administration remained in Terengganu until Japan conceded defeat to the alliance in August 1945, then it was again back to the hand of British until the Federation of Malaya achieved her independence on 31 August 1957.
Terengganu today covers 12,995 square kilometers and comprises of seven districts: Setiu, Kemaman, Dungun, Marang, Hulu Terengganu and Kuala Terengganu. There is approximately 1 million of population in this state which 90% are Malays and the reminder share among the Chinese and Indians and a very small percentage goes to aborigines.
The discovery of offshore oil in gas in 1974 has granted Terengganu a significant change to its economic, technology and social structure. At current production, the oil and gas reserves are estimated to last for another 13 years and 41 years respectively.
Terengganu has enjoyed considerable development over the past 30 years with its rapid industrialization and growing economic activity after the discovery of these reserves. Before this, farming and fishing were the main economic activities for the state. Even so, 45% of its land is still covered by lush pristine forests and rivers also home for some very old Malaysia traditional culture whose practices and customs have been handed down the generations. The 225 km of coastline is not only making Terengganu the state with the longest coastline in Peninsular Malaysia but also contributing to the state GNP.
As a holiday destination, Terengganu is a neverending journey of discovery with its rich and exotic culture, breathtaking wonders of nature and endless potential for adventure

Culture and Religion
Due to its history background and geographical location, Terengganu receives cultural influences from the neighbour in the north: Kelantan and Thailand. Though it is conservative Muslim state, the general public is still enjoying the freedom of worship. However, beer or alcohol is not widely available in certain places especially Malay own shops. Always remember that while n Rome, do as Acclaimed the largest museum in Malaysia, the Terengganu State Museum houses century old artifacts and artworks of rich and colourful heritage. Located on 27 hectares on land in Bukit Losong, Kuala Terengganu, the complexes itself are an impressive architectural feat, based on the designs of Terengganu’s old palace. The complex showcases many galleries such as textiles, historical artifacts, crafts, royal regalia, Islamic arts, contemporary arts, weapons and petroleum development. At the main entrance, the original ‘Batu Bersurat’ of Terengganu is located which proved the acceptance of Islamic teachings much earlier than other states in the peninsula. The original old palaces and traditional boats are also displayed in the compound. the Romans do.

12 Wonders of Terengganu

The Largest Museum In Malaysia.

Acclaimed the largest museum in Malaysia, the Terengganu State Museum houses century old artifacts and artworks of rich and colourful heritage. Located on 27 hectares on land in Bukit Losong, Kuala Terengganu, the complexes itself are an impressive architectural feat, based on the designs of Terengganu’s old palace. The complex showcases many galleries such as textiles, historical artifacts, crafts, royal regalia, Islamic arts, contemporary arts, weapons and petroleum development. At the main entrance, the original ‘Batu Bersurat’ of Terengganu is located which proved the acceptance of Islamic teachings much earlier than other states in the peninsula. The original old palaces and traditional boats are also displayed in the compound.

The World’s Oldest and Largest Chengal Tree

In the vast Pasir Raja Forest Reserve bordering the National Park, stands the world’s oldest and largest Chengal tree. Known for its remarkable quality and durability, The Malaysian Book of Records estimated it to be 1,300 years old with a diameter of 16.75 meters at the base and grows to a staggering height of 65 meters.

The Largest Pheasant Collection In Malaysia

The privately owned farm is in Ajil, a quaint small town about 35 minutes drive from Kuala Terengganu towards Kuala Berang. Here on 1.7 acres of land, more than 30 rare and protected pheasant species are reared and breed. Among them is the extremely rare Malaysian Green Peafowls. The farm has been certified by Malaysian Book Of Record, as the largest pheasant collection in Malaysia. A visit here will be an educational and enjoyable experience.

The Largest Exotic Beach In Malaysia

The state of Terengganu, on the east coast of Peninsula Malaysia, is famous for its long stretch of white, sandy and unpolluted beaches that northern district of Besut to the southern district of Kemaman. Facing the South China Sea, the beaches are breathtaking and its offshore islands enchanting. A haven for those seeking a good time in the sun, sand and sea.

The Largest Man-Made Lake In South East Asia

Located in the interior of Terengganu and spanning over 260,000 hectares, Tasik Kenyir borders Kelantan in the West and Pahang in the South. This immense lake also serves as an alternative gateway to National Park. What were once rivers, hilltop and highlands, the construction of Sultan Mahmud Hydroelectric Power Plant has filled up the dam, creating about 340 islands, 14 waterfalls, and numerous rapids. It is home to many varieties of fauna and flora, abundant species of freshwater fish and exotic wildlife. Jungle trekking, kayaking, obstacle courses, wildlife observation and angling are robust outdoor activities recommended.

The Finest Songket and Batik In Malaysia

Songket and batik of Terengganu remain a distinctive beauty for generations as the craftsmen stress more on originality and quality. The styles are particularly unique. The intricate designs and motifs reveal the ingenuity and creativity of the legacy of Terengganu, the unmatched arts that retain its originality over the years. Songket, which was once worn only by royalties and dignitaries, is work of art where traditional weaving technology is still being used to create designs of exquisite elegance, while batik is now recognised as a designer label and is either hand drown or block imprints. Both motifs use the local floras with a touch of artistic ingenuity, creating designs of elegance suitable for special or casual occasions. Today songket and batik grace many traditional clothes and designer’s labels as well as on crafts like handbags, cushions and home decorations.

The Finest Wood Carving In Malaysia

Terengganu craftsmen are proud of their woodcarving skills. They work hard at their vocation and produced beautiful works of art that are often praised and admired for their exquisite beauty. The rich flora as well as the intricate Islamic arts inspires most of the carvings. The demands of these quality woodcarvings from Terengganu have been constant with orders from government, corporation and individuals

The Highest Waterfall In Malaysia

Terengganu has been famous for its numerous rapids and waterfalls. However, a recently discovered Chemerong Waterfalls is the highest in Malaysia. It thunders magnificently down a 305 metres slope. Situated 30 kilometers away from Bandar Al Muktafi Billah Shah, it is surrounded by untouched, diversed riches of nature and wildlife. Getting to the waterfalls, the adventurous need to jungle-trek through nature at its best. Upon reaching the site, the coolness and the thundering sound of the waterfalls soothe the weariest travelers.

One Of The Spectacular Fireflies Sanctuary In Malaysia Arecently discovered fireflies sanctuary in Sg. Yak Yah, Kg. Ibok, provides another alternative attraction in Kemaman. Only a few places provide ideal breeding grounds for these bio-luminescent insects, especially around watery areas such as streams, marshes and river that retain moistures. Fireflies produces light via a chemical reaction of combined enzyme and oxygen. It is unique as fireflies are able to turn the lights on and off by controlling the oxygen supplies. When thousands of fireflies blink simultaneously,